Saturday, 5 March 2011

Building the Chicken Coop

Chickens do need somewhere to live; their house arrived yesterday.

So after an eggsellent(!) breakfast of boiled eggs and soldiers, we started to unpack the box.

We made a mess of the kitchen...

And tried to make sense of the very clear, very detailed instructions...

We started off by making the nest box, and then the main body of the coop.

By the time we had built the run and attached it to the house it was dark.

The feeder that I ordered has arrived too.

And now for the really good news...

I had a phone call from Wendy at the British Hen Welfare Trust, who said that she was expecting chickens by the end of the month and I'm now on the waiting list. I have to travel to York to pick up my hens, and need a large cardboard box with air holes to transport them home in. I need to get on with researching how best to look after these chooks, as they could be with me within the next 3 weeks!


  1. Can't wait to get them. You did such a good job on the coop

  2. Lucky I had such a good building partner!

  3. What a wonderful mutual appreciation society!!!
    PS where are they from? Might be the same one's who lay the eggs Kevin sells at the greengrocers.
