Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Chickens: An Update

I'm still waiting. I've been waiting for ages now. I received an email from Wendy at the BHWT saying that they are still waiting for a date to rescue the hens, and asking people to be patient. From what I can gather, the farmer notifies them of the slaughter date for the hens that are at the end of their commercial laying life, and then the BHWT take in as many as they can rehome and the rest of them go to be slaughtered - probably for something like dog food and stock, not to be eaten as chicken! Not much of a life really.

I also waited for 3 weeks for my chicken drinker that I ordered from eBay. After contacting the seller on a number of occasions asking why I'd not received it yet I managed to get a full refund from him. I saw the same model in our local garden centre for a lower price so purchased that last weekend. And here it is...

So while I've been waiting for my chooks to arrive I've been thinking about how they are going to change our family life. I'm hoping that the feeling of doing a good deed by giving them a happy retirement and the pleasure of eating fresh eggs will outweigh the getting up literally at the crack of dawn to let them out.

I've also been reading a little bit about the other work that the British Hen Welfare Trust do, and the importance of using free range eggs - shown in the pictures below.

From the BHWT website:

Nearly 60% of caged eggs end up ‘hidden’ in processed food products, such as cakes, pasta, confectionery and ready meals.  Caged eggs are also frequently ‘hidden’ in meals served at restaurants and other eating establishments.

Thanks to the BHWT campaign Hellmans use only free range eggs in their mayonnaise.

You can get involved in stopping the cruel practice of battery farming by following this link and using the templates to write to your local supermarket, MP and food manufacturers. To find your MP and send the template letters by email follow this link to write to them.

Not such a happy life!!! Please think seriously about buying Free Range!